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Ethnic Workers











Why Diversify the Workforce?
  • An important source of Creative Capital
  • Needed to compete in our increasingly global economy
  • Helps organizations to be better connected to the local communities that they operate from
  • Important to prepare for the future workforce shortages in America
Minorities and immigrants are increasingly playing an important role as workers both at the high skilled as well as the low skilled level. Here are some important trends regarding minorities and the workforce:
  • Immigrants and minorities are represented in high skilled occupations such as Physicians, Dentists, Nuclear Scientist, and Computer professionals.
  • Immigrants and minorities are represented in low skilled occupations such as roofers, dishwashers, food preparation and service and parking garage attendants.
  • Ethnic workers will make up an increasing share of the prime workforce in the age group 25-54 years in the future.
  • As America's population ages, minorities and immigration will be needed to fill shortages in labor in many area

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